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St Peter and St Paul Catholic Primary Academy

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Child Protection

This page contains Safeguarding information. If you have a concern do not hesitate to contact the Academy.

The Designated Safeguarding Leads are:

Miss Everson - Headteacher - DSL

Mr Nagre - Deputy Headteacher - Deputy DSL

Miss Matthews - Family Worker - Assistant DSL

Mr O'Dwyer - SENDCO - Assistant DSL

Chair of Governors - Grace Kosua-Faah Bonse

Governor with responsibility for Safeguarding - Grace Kosua-Faah Bonse


01689 828208

If the Academy is closed and you need to speak to someone regarding a safeguarding matter, please contact Bromley's Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) on 0208 461 7379 or mash@bromley.gov.uk

This link can be used to find the parent guidance on keeping children safe in out-of-school settings. Please click here