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St Peter and St Paul's

St Peter and St Paul Catholic Primary Academy

Welcome back :) 

Home Learning Blog, Wednesday, 29th April

Good morning! Welcome to another day of learning! Here are today’s activities.

Before we begin, it has come to my attention that some families have had trouble accessing the Oak Academy learning videos using an iPad. In the future, I will refrain from using this resource, until I learn that the compatibility issues have been resolved.

If ever you have trouble accessing any resources, please email Admin and let  them know.  The issue may not be able to be resolved immediately, but I'll know for future lessons not to use particular resources or websites. Thanks :) 


LO: Using apostrophes correctly

  • For today’s English lesson, we’re going to be practising using apostrophes correctly
  • Remember, there are 2 main uses of apostrophes:
    • To show a missing letter in a contraction, like in didn’t, can’t, or wasn’t
    • To show possession – the boy’s coat, the girl’s hair, George’s hat
  • Follow the link, watch the videos, and complete the activities
  • The last activity asks you to print out and play a board game. You may do this if you wish, but instead, I would rather you complete the attached worksheet in your home learning book.


LO: Multiplying and dividing by 10, 100, and 1000

  • For this lesson, we are going to focus on what happens when we multiply and divide number by multiples of 10.
  • When we multiply by 10, 100, or 1000, the digits will all move UP place value columns
  • When we divide by 10, 100, or 1000, the digits will all move DOWN place value columns
  • The number of columns that the digits move will be equal to how many zeros there are:
    • Move up/down 1 column when multiplying or dividing by 10
    • Move up/down 2 columns when multiplying or dividing by 100
    • Move up/down 3 columns when multiplying or dividing by 1000
  • Follow the link and complete the activities:


LO: Parts of a flower

  • Next week we will be learning about how pollination in plants work, but before that, we need to learn about the different parts of the flower, and what their role is in plant reproduction.
  • Follow this link, and watch videos 1 and 3:
  • Now, look at the diagram that has been uploaded to the page. I would like you to draw this image, and label in your home learning book. You may add colour if you wish.
  • Next week we will be learning more about what each part does, and what their role in pollination is.


LO: Mayan pyramids and architecture

  • Follow the link and read about ancient Mayan pyramids and architecture
  • Although they were located thousands of miles away from Egypt, they too built pyramids and were very famous for it.
  • After reading the information, there is a 10-question quiz you may complete to assess your understanding of the information.
  • After completing the quiz, I would like you to write the 8 most interesting facts you learned about Mayan architecture in your home learning book. Try to use different types of facts, not all about the same thing.

I hope you enjoyed today’s activities. Be sure to check back in tomorrow!

Mr Lindsay

Fun fact of the day: 3 dogs survived the sinking of the Titanic.