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St Peter and St Paul's

St Peter and St Paul Catholic Primary Academy

English:Coordinating conjunctions


Maths: Single and Multi-step word problems


Have a go at the questions in the resources section below. They get harder as they go on. See how far you can get.


RE: Watch the video below about the Good Samaritan and summarise using a 6-8 squared comic grid.


DT: Squashed Tomatoes!!! 

Today, you are going to try and solve a problem for tomato farmers in Nepal. There’s 4 resources below that you need to read and watch. Get an adult to help you with this one. You may decide to just draw your design or you could try and build a miniature version of it over the half term and test it out with real tomatoes.


Tip: Use any materials you can get - preferably recycled. Maybe cardboard.