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St Peter and St Paul's

St Peter and St Paul Catholic Primary Academy

It's Tuesday and you are doing great! Today's activites are below.


Follow the link below for todays Maths lesson on BBC Bitesize.

In this lesson, you will learn to compare lengths measured in centimetres and metres.

This lesson includes:

  • two videos
  • three activities



Follow the link below for today’s English lesson on BBC Bitesize

To understand what comprehension is and be able to write sentences and answer questions based on what text you've read.

This lesson includes:

  • a video about comprehension

  • three activities to do at home


Choose a book, magazine or newspaper and read for 10-15 minutes


Read through the Lesson Presentation with an adult.

demonstrate using the data on a table to draw a bar chart showing the growth of a sunflower plant.

Plant Growth Bar Charts: Using the differentiated Plant Growth Bar Chart Activity Sheet, children use

the information on their completed Plant Growth Table Activity Sheets to create bar charts showing

the growth of their plants over 4 weeks. Children complete one bar chart to show the growth of their

sunflower and one to show the growth of their narcissus plant.





Green Yellow





Children are given adult support to:

model their bar charts using multilink cubes  or anything you have in the house before completing a single activity

sheet based on the growth of the plant of their choice.

Children complete two bar charts, choosing an appropriate label for their

charts and the x and y axes. (A bar chart with the y axis labelled in 2cm intervals has been included to provide further extension if required.)

Plants Quiz: Using the Lesson Presentation, children can try to answer as many questions as possible.


Times tables

The other week I set you a challenge of learning your 6 times tables. Try learning this song to help you.

See link below

Spend 10 minutes on Times Table Rockstars.