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St Peter and St Paul's

St Peter and St Paul Catholic Primary Academy

Good morning Year 2, I hope you enjoyed yesterdays activities.  I am particularly looking forward to listening to your music compositions.


Follow the link below for today’s Maths lesson on BBC Bitesize

In this lesson you will learn how to complete patterns made from 2D and 3D shapes.

This lesson includes:

  • two videos
  • three activities


Follow the link below for today’s English lesson on BBC Bitesize.

To be able to identify describing words (adjectives) and use them in your writing.

This lesson includes:

  • a introduction to describing words

  • three activities to do at home


Ruth Miskin daily phonics

Please follow Set 3


Choose a book, magazine or newspaper and read for 10-15 minutes

P.E- Dance

Please see Animal Moves PDF and follow the dance instructions. Have fun!


Using the passage from Gods Story 2 pages 84-85 find all the words in the that tell how the friends of Jesus felt.  Circle the sad ones in blue, circle the happy ones in red.  Use these to compose a short prayer thanking Jesus for sending the Holy Spirit, sharing joy and happiness.

Read God’s Story 2 pages 84-85 Pentecost Day based on Acts 2: 1-4. On the feast of Pentecost, the Church family remembers and celebrates the coming of the Holy Spirit and the Good News of Jesus – the news of God’s love for everyone.  At Mass, they listen to the story from the Acts of the Apostles about the coming of the Holy Spirit.

Looking at the picture ask your child which part of the story they think is happening.  Help the children to see what has changed.  The Holy Spirit has filled Jesus’ friends with new life. They are not afraid anymore, they wanted to share their joy.  Christians too can spread the word about this happiness because they know that Jesus has brought new life for everyone through the Holy Spirit whom Jesus promised.  The Holy Spirit is a helper and guide.

Key Questions

  1. How did the friends feel after Jesus had gone back to his Father?
  2. When have you felt like this?
  3. What happened on Pentecost day?
  4. What did the friends do?
  5. How do you think they felt then?
  6. How did they make other people feel?
  7. How might we spread the joy and happiness of the Good News of Jesus’ love?


Create a dance to show how sad the friends were before the Holy Spirit came and their happiness after he had come.  Use red and yellow ribbons to help you.  Make some sad music and some happy music with percussion instruments.