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St Peter and St Paul's

St Peter and St Paul Catholic Primary Academy

Carys Jim could climb right up your beanstalk to the giant's house. What a good job you've done looking after it! It has orange flowers I see. Watch the flowers carefully and they will soon turn into beans - magically!

Quiz: What animal builds these huge mud castles? Is it sparrows, bees, moles or termites?

Answer at the bottom - no peeking!

Here's our work for today Thursday 2 July 2.7.2020

Spelling  - Adding the endings -ing, ed, and er to verbs

Complete your 4th attempt today.

Enter your next weather watch observation.


Maths – Comparing Numbers

Warm up - Let’s start our day by counting backwards from 100. Ready? Go!

Today we are going to continue talking about comparing numbers. Do you remember the words and symbols we use to compare numbers?

Watch White Rose Maths Summer Term – Week 9 Lesson 4

Pause the video when you are asked a question and tell your grown-up your answer, then listen to the answer. Now complete the worksheet.

Challenge – Download the True or False challenge for today and have a go!


RWI Phonics

Please follow the set 3 lesson for that day.


Imoves – Thinking Thursday – Dorothy and Toto Pilates

Follow Gaye telling the story.


Break                  Snack and Outdoor Play             Wash hands


English -  Jim and the Beanstalk

Listen to the word giant. What sound does the letter ‘g’ make? Tell your grown-up. Did you say it sounds like the letter ‘j’? That’s right! We call this the soft g sound. Our story has a giant in it. When we say ‘giant’ we say the soft g sound. Can you think of other words that have the soft g sound? Tell your grown-up.


Now complete the worksheet. You need to be a good detective to sort out the hard g and soft g sound words. Cut out the pictures and stick all the hard g sound words on one page, and the soft g sound words on another page. Put a ring around the letters that make the soft g sound.


Lunch                  Wash hands     Pray       Outdoor play      Wash hands


History – Castle jobs

We are going to meet a noblewoman who lived in a castle with her husband the lord. Watch

What different clothes and table manners they had! Would you have liked to live then? The Noblewoman was in charge of all the servants in the castle. I wonder what question you might like to ask her. Complete the worksheet matching all the jobs to the correct picture and then write a little about each one.


Computers – Coding

Now you know how to use code log on to Purple Mash and complete the Guard the Castle coding exercise which has been set as a 2Do for you.

Home/Computing/2Code/Guard the Castle

Click on the video to listen to the instruction for each step. Click on the flashing Next Challenge button up at the top to move on to the next challenge. Good luck!


Storytime with Nick

Listen to Nick read The Ant and the Grasshopper


Tidy Up Time

Help your grown-up to clear the work area and remember to work as a team.

Quiz Answer:  mertites    (unscramble the letters)