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St Peter and St Paul's

St Peter and St Paul Catholic Primary Academy

Acorn Daily Planner - 12.05.20

Tuesday 12th May 2020

Good Morning Acorns,

A huge thank you for the wonderful collage! You have all worked so hard. Thank you to your grown-ups who have helped you. It has made us so happy! Your kindness is appreciated, and we hope you and your family are well too. We miss you all very much and look forward to seeing you soon.

We hope you have enjoyed learning about Florence Nightingale. It was lovely to see the gift boxes you have made on Purple Mash. Today, we have some new challenges for you to complete at home.

In Literacy, we will be continuing with our space topic. Do you know the names of different planets? We live on planet Earth. Research some information about planet Earth. Look at pictures of our planet. There is a PowerPoint attached showing a range of pictures of planet Earth. Your grown up may want to read the PowerPoint and select information to discuss with you. Can you draw and label a picture of planet Earth in your home learning book?

In Maths, we will use counting in 2s to count collections of objects in pairs. You will need 15 pairs of items. We are going to use your clever counting to count all the items. We are not going to count in 1s. We will be counting in 2s to count the total number of items. Did you find this tricky? If you found today’s activity a little tricky, please keep practising.

Today, it is Florence Nightingale’s birthday. Sometimes, people give flowers to people on their birthday as a gift. To celebrate her birthday, can you create a beautiful vase of flowers for Florence Nightingale on Purple Mash?

Florence Nightingale loved to collect shells. Where do you find shells? Do you have any shells at home? Please share the PowerPoint with your grown-up and discuss the shells you can see. Which is your favourite? Which colours can you see? You may want to discuss the different patterns and shapes of each shell. See if you can find out some information about shells. Please draw and label one shell in your home learning book. The word ‘shell’ can be spelt by using your phonics. The Acorn Class are very good at using their phonics to help spell new words.

Remember to give your grown-up a big hug and say thank you for helping you with your work today.

We hope you have a great day.

Mrs Sanford and Miss Williamson