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St Peter and St Paul's

St Peter and St Paul Catholic Primary Academy

Acorn Daily Planner - 01.05.20

Friday 1st May 2020

Good Morning Acorns,

Thank you for your wonderful paintings showing your different destinations. We have lots of super splash pictures, as you can see from the one above. Keep up the great work everyone! You’re working really hard at home.  Before we start with today's learning, the staff at St Peter and St Paul Catholic Primary Academy have a special message for all the children.  If you would like to see the video, this is the link you will need:

Today in Literacy, we are going to practise blending letter sounds together to read simple words. Please share the PowerPoint with your grown-up. You must look at each word carefully. It is really important that you can blend letter sounds together to read words. You will need to say the sounds quite quickly and then make sure you say the word at the end. For example, m…a….t….mat. After a while, you will be to recognise these words by sight. If you struggle with the words, please do not worry. This means you just need a little extra practise.

In Maths today you have a fun addition activity. We would like you to think about different ways to make 5. We would like you to show five fingers using both your hands. For example, you might show four fingers on one hand and one on the other. Show different ways of making five with your fingers, then record these in your home learning book. For example, 3 + 2 = 5. If you want to challenge yourself further, why not think about different ways to make 10. For example, 8 + 2 = 10.

We would like you to reflect on this week’s story called Whatever Next by Jill Murphy. Did you enjoy the story? Now you are going to practise your drama skills! Can you work with your grown-up to retell Whatever Next by acting it out. You can choose your role. If you have a brother or sister at home, see if you can get them to join in the role-play too. What props will you use? A cardboard box would be great for the rocket or you may have something else you can use as the rocket. This is supposed to be a fun activity so please do not worry if you need to use other items as props. Happy acting!

Yesterday it was Captain Tom Moore’s birthday. He was 100 years old. It is very exciting when it is somebody’s birthday. How do you feel when it is your birthday? Captain Tom Moore was given a Colonel title on his 100th birthday. This was to honour the war veteran. The Prime Minister Boris Johnson has been amazed by Colonel Tom Moore’s ‘heroic effort’ to raise money for the NHS. When it is somebody’s birthday, we usually give a birthday card. Can you design a belated birthday card for Colonel Tom Moore? Or you may want to make a birthday card for a family member.  Please see the PowerPoint attached for different examples of birthday cards.

We hope you have a great weekend. Relax and enjoy being with your family.

Sanford and Miss Williamson