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St Peter and St Paul's

St Peter and St Paul Catholic Primary Academy

Reading is such a joy once you find a book that you really love – the world of reading and the world of books opens up so many possibilities. Here’s an example of someone who had a very tough upbringing but found the world of books – What a world! I visited Asia and Africa. I saw magnificent sunsets: I tasted exotic foods. I fell in love and danced in wonderful halls. I ran away with escaped slaves and stood beside a teenage martyred saint. I visited lakes and streams and composed lines of verse all without leaving my bedroom. Try and read as often as you can, lots of different types of books.

June 2020

  • Wednesday 1st July 2020-Home Learning-Day 57

    Published 30/06/20, by Mr Rowe

    Wow, it’s July! Today, we’re going to be doing some learning in Maths, English, history and design technology.

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  • Tuesday 30th June 2020-Home Learning-Day 56

    Published 29/06/20, by Mr Rowe

    Today, we’re going to be doing some learning in Maths, English, R.E. and science.

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  • Monday 29th June 2020-Home Learning-Day 55

    Published 28/06/20, by Mr Rowe

    Welcome to another week of learning. Hope you had a lovely weekend and are reading for this week’s learning. Today, we’re going to be doing some learning in Maths, English, R.E. and science.

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  • Friday 26th June 2020-Home Learning-Day 54

    Published 25/06/20, by Mr Rowe

    You’ve made it all the way to Friday, well done! Today, we’re going to be doing some learning in Maths, English, history and times tables.




    **Parents/Carers Please Note - Needed for next Tuesdays’ R.E. Lesson**



    1)  In order to paint a ‘Prayer Rock’ - A rock and some paint




    2)  In order to make a ‘Juice Box Boat’:


    • An empty juice box straw
    • 3" wide triangular paper (perhaps from an envelope)
    • Sellotape 
    • A small wooden skewer or straw
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  • Thursday 25th June 2020-Home Learning-Day 53

    Published 24/06/20, by Mr Rowe

    Today, we’re going to be doing some learning in Maths, English, history and computing.

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  • Wednesday 24th June 2020-Home Learning-Day 52

    Published 23/06/20, by Mr Rowe

    Happy Wednesday! Today, we’re going to be doing some learning in Maths, English, geography and art.


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  • Tuesday 23rd June 2020-Home Learning-Day 51

    Published 22/06/20, by Mr Rowe

    Today, we’re going to be doing some learning in Maths, English, R.E. and science.

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  • Monday 22ndJune 2020-Home Learning-Day 50

    Published 21/06/20, by Mr Rowe

    Welcome to Monday. Hope you had a great weekend. Today, we’re going to be doing some learning in Maths, English, R.E. and science.

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  • Friday 19th June 2020-Home learning-Day 49

    Published 18/06/20, by Mr Rowe

    Welcome to Friday! Well done everyone who had a go at the French and computing yesterday, great job!! Today, we’re going to be doing some learning in Maths, English, history and music. Have a great weekend!!!

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  • Thursday 18th June 2020-Home learning-Day 48

    Published 17/06/20, by Mr Rowe

    Happy Thursday! Today, we’re going to be doing some learning in Maths, English, French and computing.

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  • Wednesday 17th June 2020-Home learning-Day 47

    Published 16/06/20, by Mr Rowe

    Welcome to Wednesday! Today, we’re going to be doing some learning in Maths, English, spelling and art.

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  • Tuesday 16th June 2020-Home learning-Day 46

    Published 15/06/20, by Mr Rowe

    Hope you had a good day yesterday, welcome to Tuesday. I have uploaded how I would have worked out the answer to number 7 in the maths yesterday as it was pretty tricky! Today, we’re going to be doing some learning in Maths, English, R.E. and science.

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