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St Peter and St Paul's

St Peter and St Paul Catholic Primary Academy

Acorn Daily Planner - 4th May 2020

Monday 4th May 2020

Good Morning Acorns,

We hope you've had a great weekend with your family. Thank you for your amazing paintings, we have been impressed with your masterpieces! We have some new exciting activities for you this week.

Today in Literacy, you will be developing your speaking and listening skills. We will be focusing on a wonderful new story. Please share How to Catch a Star by Oliver Jeffers with your grown-up. This is the link you will need:

When you reach the page with the star on the shore, what do you think this star could be? Would you like to have a star? Can you retell How to Catch a Star? Where does the boy look? What does he try to do to help him reach the star in the sky? Talk to your grown-up about the story and see if you can retell parts of the story in the correct order. Now you will be retelling the story through pictures. Draw 4 different stages of the story. You will need to draw each picture carefully, drawing recognisable features. If you decide to add colour to your work, remember to colour within the lines. Please choose appropriate colours.

In Maths, you will be learning to double numbers to 5. Fold down your fingers but keep your thumbs up with your hands close together. Say, double 1 is 2. Unfold your index fingers to show double 2. Double 2 is 4. They unfold other fingers in twos to show double 3, double 4 and double 5. Repeat, this time more quickly. Then call out doubles up to double 5. In your home learning book, write doubles up to 5, e.g. 1 + 1 = 2, 2 + 2 = 4 etc. Remember to form each number correctly.  There is a PowerPoint attached to support you with your learning.

It is time to get creative! In this week’s story, the boy loves stars very much. Talk to your grown-up about a time when you have seen stars in the sky. Can you design your very own star? You can do this in a variety of ways, depending on the resources you have at home. You could draw a star in your home learning book and then decorate it by using pencils or felt tip pens. You could create a star collage and use pieces of tissue paper or other materials you have at home. Please ask your grown-ups permission before using any resources. We have attached a PowerPoint below showing different craft ideas.

In today’s second topic activity, we will be thinking about reflection. Listen to this week’s story again. Think about the part in the story when the boy sees a reflection in the sea. What is a reflection? Talk about reflection with your grown-up. On Purplemash, you have a challenge! Can you paint a scene on the riverbank and see the reflection in the river?

We hope you have a wonderful day. Happy learning!

Mrs Sanford and Miss Williamson