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St Peter and St Paul's

St Peter and St Paul Catholic Primary Academy

Our final week of school and then it's the summer holidays! I know we all can't wait so one final push till Friday. You can do it - WE GOT THIS!

It's a fruity quiz this week!

Ultimate Fruit Quiz Question:  Tomatoes are fruit. True or False?

Here is our work for Monday 13 July 13.7.2020

Spelling  - Common Exception words

Download the common exception words activity booklet and the common exception words handwriting booklet. You will be using them throughout the week.

First complete the activity for the words; the, a, do, to, today, of, said, says, are and were in the common words activity booklet, and then complete the handwriting lines for the same words in the common exception words handwriting booklet.



Please use the link and follow the family Liturgy.


Maths – Time to the Hour

Warm Up - Count up to 100 in 2s, then 5s then 10s. Ready? Go!

Today we are going to revise what we know about time. Why do we need to know about time? We need to know what time we need to get up, what time school begins, what time we have lunch, what time we go home and what time we go to bed. We need to know the time for loads of things!

Watch White Rose Maths Summer Term – Week 12 Lesson 1

Pause the video when you are asked a question and tell your grown-up your answer, then listen to the answer.

Now complete the worksheet.

Challenge – Download the True or False challenge and have a go!


Chair Yoga – Jaimie’s Brain Break

Practice your yoga poses from a chair!


Break                  Snack and Outdoor Play             Wash hands


English -  Jim and the Beanstalk

We are going to write our own versions of Jim and the Beanstalk. Today I would like you to be Jim and write the beginning of your story. You are the author! You need to decide on the setting and the characters in your story. You can use these questions to help you write the beginning.

Where are you? Is anyone else with you? What time of day is it? What do you see? Why is it there? What do you decide to do? Why? How far did you get? What do you see up at the top? What do you decide to do when you get there?

*Sentences must begin with a capital letter and end with a full stop.


Lunch                  Wash hands     Pray       Outdoor play      Wash hands


Placemat weaving

How far did you get on Friday? We will complete our placemat today!

Follow the PowerPoint instructions carefully to complete your placemat.

I’d love to see them! Send in a picture for our blog if you can.

*If you’ve completed your mat you can have a go at weaving a paper basket. You will need 2 sheets of coloured paper cut into 1.5cm strips. Your grown-up will help you with this.


First watch the video right through, then have a go. Pause the video whenever you need to. Ask your grown-up to help you staple the ends!


RE - Abraham and Sarah

Do you think it is important to keep a promise? Talk to your grown-up about keeping promises. Have you ever broken a promise? How do you feel when someone breaks a promise? Listen to this story.


Answer these questions:

Q  What do you think was special about Abraham?

Q  How many people did God promise Abraham would be in his family?

Tell your grown-up the answers.

God gave Abraham many promises and chose him to be the father of the Jewish nation.

Draw some stars and put the names of your family in them. Colour in the background and add more stars with names of other people you think belong to God’s family. Write a sentence about how God keeps his promise.

Join in with this song about Abraham


Story Time

Listen to Eric Close read When Pigasso met Mootisse


Tidy Up Time

Help your grown-up to clear the work area and remember to work as a team.

Fruit Quiz Answer:   True