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St Peter and St Paul's

St Peter and St Paul Catholic Primary Academy

It's Friday! Well done for all your great work this week. Next week is the last week of term! Jessica has been enjoying her yoga, what perfect balance!

Riddle: I have four legs but no tail. Usually, I’m heard only at night. What am I?

Answer at the end. No peeking!

Here's our work for today Friday 10 July 10.7.2020

Spelling - Adding -er and -est to adjectives where no change is needed to the root word.

Spelling Test – Ask your adult to test you on the words you have been learning.  You can use your spelling test book or the 5th attempt column.


Maths – Money

Warm up – Go through the PowerPoint.

We have learned a lot about money. Now play all the games on this website! You must do all the sorting activities, first with one coin then two coins. Then do the three ordering tasks. Finally, do all eight counting activities. Have Fun!


Phonics Bloom Phase 4

Play Sentence substitution and Word Pairs


GoNoodle Rainbow Breath


Break        Snack and Outdoor Play     Wash Hands


English -  Jim and the Beanstalk

Read our story again. What did you like/dislike about the story? Talk to your grown-up. What are the 3 key events of the story? That’s right!

1) The first meeting

2) when Jim helps the Giant

3) When the Giant threatens to eat Jim.

When we write stories we usually have a beginning, middle and an end. We learned that yesterday. Can you put the story in sequence by cutting and pasting all the pictures from the worksheet into your book in the correct order? Use the PowerPoint to help.


Lunch      Wash Hands     Pray     Outdoor Play       Wash Hands


Mindfulness – Placemat weaving

*This will last over 2 lessons. We will start today and complete this on MONDAY afternoon

We are going to use our weaving skills in this lesson and create a placemat. I hope you have your materials ready.

You’ll need

  • T-shirt fabric cut across the width of the T-shirt. Cut strips about 2cm wide of fabric from the T-shirt, starting at the bottom working your way up to the armpits. Or you could use an old pillow case, old shirt or any fabric you may have at home!
  • Cotton string ball or ball of wool.
  • A piece of cardboard about 36cm x 48cm

Follow the instructions to make your loom and then begin your weaving. We might only get the loom done today; it depends on how fast you are!

Follow the PowerPoint instructions carefully. Take your time, don’t rush, we will complete our mat on Monday.


Awesome Animal Friday - Frogs

Watch this short clip about the red-eyed tree frog

Now get a paper, pencil and colours and follow the clip to draw an owl. Pause the video whenever you need to. Have fun! I’d love to see them!



Listen to CCH Pounder read Sophie’s Masterpiece


Tidy Up Time

Help your grown-up to clear the work area and remember to work as a team.

Quiz Answer:   grof               (unscramble the letters)