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St Peter and St Paul's

St Peter and St Paul Catholic Primary Academy

What a hot day yesterday! And another hot one today, but there may be some rain to cool us off. Look after yourselves. Remember sunscreen, hat and water! Arihant has been a busy bee, what a lot of art work and what a happy face. Just what we need to cheer us up. Enjoy your weekend everyone. Grown-ups thank you for all your hard work as always.

Quiz: What animal do you see?

Answer, fact and amazing animal link at the end!

Here's our work for today Friday 26 June 26.6.2020

Spelling - Adding s and es to words

Spelling Test – Ask your adult to test you on the words you have been learning.  You can use your spelling test book or the 5th attempt column.

Enter your next weather watch observation.


Maths – Counting, reading and writing numbers to 100

Warm up - Count up to 100 in 10s forwards and backwards.

Today we are going to revise counting, reading and writing numbers to 100. Go through the PowerPoint. There is a Connect the numbers activity sheet for you to complete.

If you have time you can log on to Purple Mash and complete the 2Do that has been set for you. Home/Mathematics/Number/Number and place value/Read numbers to 20. You can also do the Read and write task. They have both been set as a 2Do for you.


RWI Phonics

Please follow the set 3 lesson for that day.


Imoves – Funky Friday - Disco

Follow Imogen and Jack. Let’s go Disco!

Make up your own disco routine when you go out at play time!


Break        Snack and Outdoor Play     Wash Hands


English -  Jack and the Beanstalk

What kind of a story is Jack and the Beanstalk? Correct. It is a traditional fairy tale.  How do you think our tale ends? Let’s find out!

Episode 13 – The magic harp

• listen and look out for the sounds and smells that are mentioned in the Giant’s castle

• listen and look out for where Jack hides this time

Tell your grown-up the answers to these questions

• What does Jack make for the hen?

• What does Jack do with the golden eggs?

• Why does Jack go back to the Giant’s castle?

• How does the music from the harp make the Giant feel?

Episode 14 – We’re rich!

• listen and look out for what is unusual about the harp

• listen and look out for what happens to all the characters at the end

Tell your grown-up the answers to these questions

• What does the harp do that spoils Jack’s plans?

• What happens to the Giant?

• Why is Jack happy at the end?

Now complete the sequencing activity. Cut and paste the pictures into your book in the correct order. Write a number in each box.


Lunch      Wash Hands     Pray     Outdoor Play       Wash Hands


Mindfulness – Paper Weaving

We are going to learn the skills of paper weaving. Over the next few lessons we will make different things using weaving techniques. So we will start by learning the basics.  Go through the PowerPoint then watch the video.

Now do some paper weaving of your own. You can use your completed work as a place mat. You might even make one for each member of the family.

Ask you grown-up to take a picture of you and your work and send it in to school for our blog!


Awesome Animal Friday - Octopuses

Watch this short clip about octopuses. They were our animal quiz for today. Here are 8 awesome facts!

Now get a paper, pencil and colours and follow the clip to draw an octopus. Pause the video whenever you need to. Have fun! I’d love to see them!


Tata Storytime

Listen to Sleep well Siba & Saba read by Adjoa Andoh


Tidy Up Time

Help your grown-up to clear the work area and remember to work as a team.

Quiz Answer:   Giant Pacific octopus    Fact: The giant octopus has 280 suction cups on each arm, 2 240 altogether!

Watch Amazing Animals