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St Peter and St Paul's

St Peter and St Paul Catholic Primary Academy

 The temperature on the  thermometer above is -5. If it falls by 6 degrees, what will the new temperature be?


Let us start with a prayer.

Maths: To order and compare negative numbers.

Use the powerpoint from yesterday's lesson to recap what you have learnt.

Then complete the work from the worksheet ( negative numbers) attached below.

English: To describe a setting

Click on the link above and watch the video, stop after 20 seconds. Describe the setting of the story. Look closely at the city scape presented in the story. use you own descriptive language and include the  five senses. Write the description in your book.

Spelling: Use this week's spelling words from the powerpoint to complete the sentences in the spelling task attached below.


Reading Skills: Read the comprehension passage and answer the questions in your book.

RE: To know that we are all created and loved by God.

Read the information from the powerpoint slides - RE

Answer the questions from the last slide in your book and complete the 'I am special sheet'.