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St Peter and St Paul's

St Peter and St Paul Catholic Primary Academy

Thinking Thursday is here!

Daily Home Learning Blog – Thursday, 9th July ÷

Good Thursday morning Year 5. I hope you are well today. I present to you the learning activities for the day!


LO: The Tempest, by William Shakespeare

  • Watch the videos and read the summary of the play ‘The Tempest’ by William Shakespeare.
  • If you recall, we learned a bit about that play in class.
  • Complete activity 1 and 2 in your home learning book.


LO: Dividing with remainders as fractions

  • Open the document at the bottom of the blog page. Follow the instructions and then complete either the ‘Mild’ or ‘Hot’ worksheet.
  • Remember, move on to the investigation if you are confident, and complete the ‘A bit stuck’ page if you’re finding it tricky.
  • Remember, when we have a remainder, we can convert it to a fraction by using it as a remainder, with the divisor (the number you divided by) becoming the numerator.
    • Example: 19 ÷ 3 = 6r1, or 6 1/3


LO: History of the Vikings

  • Read the information and watch the videos
  • Complete activity 1 and 2
    • 1: Create a 10 question quiz to give to an adult or sibling. Be sure to know the answers!
    • 2: Design your own Viking longboat. Use the internet to research different designs and colours they might have used.


  • Complete the attached reading comprehension activity on William Shakespeare
  • Please choose the appropriate difficulty for your ability, and be sure to answer the questions in your home learning book.

That’s all for today! Take care for now.

Mr Lindsay

Fun fact of the day: Usain Bolt just had a baby girl, and named her Olympia Lightning Bolt