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St Peter and St Paul's

St Peter and St Paul Catholic Primary Academy

What great weavers! You could easily help the birds weave their nests! Marcel what a banner! You can learn about different owls and listen to their call by using this link

Riddle: I jump when I walk and sit when I stand. What am I?

Thinking caps on! Answer at the end of our blog. No Peeking!

Here's our work for today Tuesday 7 July 7.7.2020

Spelling  - Adding -er and -est to adjectives where no change is needed to the root word.

Complete your 2nd attempt today.

*Grown-ups we will need the following prepared for our Mindfulness Weaving lesson on Friday.

You’ll need

  • T-shirt fabric cut across the width of the T-shirt( good use of an old T-shirts). Cut strips about 2cm wide of fabric from the T-shirt, starting at the bottom working your way up to the armpits. Or you could use an old pillow case, old shirt or any fabric you may have at home!
  • Cotton string ball or ball of wool.
  • A piece of cardboard about 36cm x 48cm


Maths –Recognising notes

Warm Up - Count backwards from 50. Ready? Go!

Yesterday we were recognizing coins. In this lesson we are recognizing notes. We are going to sort the notes by value, using our greater than and less than symbols.

Watch White Rose Maths Summer Term – Week 10 Lesson 3

Pause the video when you are asked a question and tell your grown-up your answer, then listen to the answer.

Now complete the worksheet.

Challenge – Download the True or False challenge and have a go!


Phonics  - Phase 3 Pairing Game

Launch the game. Select let’s go, then go through each star level.


GoNoodle Own your Power


Break                  Snack and Outdoor Play             Wash hands


English -  Jim and the Beanstalk

Yesterday we talked about speech marks.


On Friday you wrote down in a speech bubble what each character was thinking at the 3 key events of the story. Look back at your work. Read out what each character said. Now can you write out what each character says using speech marks? Remember the speech marks go at the beginning and end of what the person is saying.


Lunch                  Wash hands     Pray       Outdoor play      Wash hands


Science – Animal groups

What is a food chain? Go through the PowerPoint to find out.


Which animal was your favourite? Why? Tell me one fact about your animal.

Draw your favourite animal. Write a sentence for each question below. Begin with the underlined words. Remember to start your sentence with a capital letter.

a) what animal group it belongs to 

b) whether it is a carnivore, herbivore or omnivore

c) what it eats

Complete the food chain sorting activity. Cut it out and paste it in your book.


RE – Neighbours

One day someone asked Jesus a tricky question, “Who is my neighbour?” Jesus answered by telling one of his stories, called a parable.  

There was once a Jewish man who was on a journey from Jerusalem to Jericho, when robbers set upon him. They stripped him of his clothes, beat him up and left him by the roadside. A priest happened to pass by. He saw the man lying injured and walked by on the other side of the road. Then another man came along. He went over and looked at the man but then he walked away too.  

Next came a Samaritan. Now at this time Jews and Samaritans were enemies. When the Samaritan saw the poor injured Jewish man lying in the ditch he went over to him, cleaned his wounds and bandaged them up. Then he helped the man to climb up onto his own animal and took him to an inn, where he could be looked after. Next day the Samaritan gave the innkeeper two silver coins. “Take care of him,” he told the innkeeper.

Jesus ended the story with a question, “Which of the three was a neighbour to the man?” (based on Luke 10:25−37).

Can you answer Jesus’ question?

• “Which of the three was a neighbour to the man?”

• How do you think the injured man felt when the first two men walked away?

• What did the injured man need?

• Why was it strange that a Samaritan helped?

• Think of a time when you have helped someone.

Watch for a modern day version of the Good Samaritan

The Good Samaritan made sure the injured man had what he needed. CAFOD works with our neighbours around the world, no matter who they are or what they believe, to make sure they have what they need.  Go through the Helping Our Neighbours PowerPoint.

Colour in the picture of the Good Samaritan. Cut and paste it into your book. Write a sentence to explain how he helped his neighbour. How can you help your neighbour?


Story Time

Listen to When a Dragon Moves in read by Mark Duplass


Tidy Up Time

Help your grown-up to clear the work area and remember to work as a team.

Quiz Answer:  gakanroo  (unscramble the letters)