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St Peter and St Paul's

St Peter and St Paul Catholic Primary Academy

Great pictures from your Sandcastle story. Well done boys! I have a few more pictures for our blog on Monday. Another week over, well done everyone. Enjoy your weekend. Play, learn, grow!

Animal Quiz:


Here's our work for today Friday 12 June 11.6.2020

Spelling  – tch

Spelling Test – Ask your adult to test you on the words you have been learning. You can use your spelling test book or the 5th attempt column.

Enter your next weather watch observation.


Maths  Finding half (2)

Today we are going to continue learning about finding a half. In the last lesson we were looking at pictures and objects and shapes, trying to look at what one half looks like. Today we are going to look at finding a half of a group of objects.

Watch White Rose Maths Summer Term week 2 Lesson 1 Finding a half (2)

Pause the video when you are asked a question and tell your grown-up your answer, then listen to the answer. Now complete the worksheet.

CHALLENGE - download the True or False Challenge for today and have a go!


RWI Phonics

Please select the level appropriate for your child and follow the lesson for that day

YouTube channel.    


Use the Yoga Activity Cards to learn the different poses


B R E A K               snack and outdoor play              Wash hands


English   I want My Hat Back

Let’s remind ourselves about syllables. Watch

So there are 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 syllables in words. Let’s look at some of the words in our story I Want My Hat Back. Let’s start with the characters, bear, fox, rabbit, snake, reindeer, frog, tortoise and armadillo. In your book write down each word, and then next to it write how many syllables there are. Which animal’s name has the most syllables? Draw it. Now go through the story and write down 2 one syllable words, 3 two syllable words and 1 three syllable word. Which two syllable word describes bear’s hat? Which one syllable word describes his hat? Write the answers in your book.


L U N C H         Pray    outdoor play        wash hands after play


Art Mindfulness

Watch this video

Now gather your paper and the pens or colours you will use. Play this music while you are working on your drawing and express yourself in your drawing.


Health – Catch it Bin it Kill it

Watch this video to understand what happens when you sneeze.

We need to catch it bin it kill it - watch


Story Time

Listen to Riley can be anything by Arinze Kene


Tidy Up Time       

Help your home teacher to clean your work area and remember to work as a team.

Quiz Answer:   oclnw sihf (unscramble the letters)