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St Peter and St Paul's

St Peter and St Paul Catholic Primary Academy

Good morning Year 2,

I hope you enjoyed your activities from yesterday. Before we start our school activities for today, I just want to take a moment to reassure your grown ups again that they are doing great! We are living in very different and strange times at the moment, with changes being made to our routines each week and all of us having to learn to get used to a new 'normal'. We don’t want your home-schooling experience to be a stressful one, so please do what works for you and your family. The work we set is of a general Year 2 expectation, but as I’m sure you can appreciate some children will be working towards this level whilst others are exceeding it. Within the classroom setting, we, as teachers are able to differentiate this work fully and support each individual child’s needs. However, during these very different times it is impossible to do this. Please feel free to make the necessary adjustments yourself to any of the activities to help your child work independently or with more support if needed. Please remember that although the BBC Bitesize lessons often have several different activities included, it may be that your child only manages to complete 1 activity whilst others complete them all.

Thanks, as always, for your ongoing support.

Mrs Lee 

Tuesday 9th June  2020


Follow the link below for todays Maths lesson on BBC Bitesize.

Learn how to recognise non-unit fractions.

This lesson includes:

-one video

-three activities

I have included the sheets needed for Activity 1 and 2 to print out. You might only have time to complete 1 of the activities today, so why not have a look at both and decide which one to do?


Follow the link below for todays English lesson on BBC Bitesize.

To be able to identify words that have been contracted (made shorter) and use contracted words in your writing.

This lesson includes:

-a video about contractions

-three activities to do at home

Don’t spend too long on Activity 1 and 2 today. Activity 3 is important.

Please use your Home Learning Book and divide your page into 4 equal sections for Activity 3.


Read*  ‘Jazzy Jellyfish’  and answer the questions.

Don’t forget to underline the answers first when you find them hidden in the text.


Watch the *Lesson presentation about what plants need to grow. Can you remember all the different things they need?

This week, we will be doing an investigation to find out whether temperature makes a difference to how plants grow.

We are going to plant some cress. Cress is very easy to grow and grows very fast.

Follow the instructions to plant your cress in the 2 different conditions. (One could be grown on a warm windowsill, but as its also warm outside at the moment, perhaps you could think of a cooler place inside your home – e.g the fridge)

Once your cress has grown, write down your conclusions about whether temperature makes a difference to how plants grow.


Have some fun growing the rest of your cress seeds either following Mr Blooms instructions using an old pair of tights, or using an old cleaned yoghurt pot and enjoy making a nice egg and cress sandwich once you’ve cut it.

Don’t forget to send a photo in to school!

Times tables

Today Clara the Hen will get you up and moving whilst learning about multiplication and division again.

Practice today with your 5 times table and division facts and write them in your Home Learning Book like this :

1x5=5 so 5÷5=1

2x5=10 so 10÷5=2

3x5=15 so 15÷5=3

and so on. What do you notice?