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St Peter and St Paul's

St Peter and St Paul Catholic Primary Academy

 Today's Learning                              04.06.20

                                                         Good Morning year 6


Maths: To find percentages of amounts

Open the powerpoint (Percentages of amounts) attached to the blog. Read through each slide and do the examples before completing the written task from the two last slides.

 If you have some extra time, try the Maths Challenge attached to the blog and check your answers.

English: To identify and use parenthesis

Parenthesis adds extra information to a sentence. It is particularly useful for adding more information about a setting or character.

Brackets, dashes and commas indicate parenthesis.

For example:

  • Commas: The lion, who has sharp teeth, ate his dinner.

Commas are used here as the parenthesis is important to the sentence.

  • Brackets: The lion (with a fluffy mane) ate his dinner.

Brackets are used here as the parenthesis isn’t important to the sentence.

  • Dashes: The lion - who wasn’t very cool - ate his dinner.

Dashes are used here as the parenthesis is informal.

Now, open the parenthesis document attached below and complete the activities in your book.

For task 1 – just list the punctuation used to show parenthesis.

For task 2 – write the passage in your book with the correct punctuation.



French: Learn how to talk about your hobbies and your school in French.

Click on the link below and follow the instructions to complete each task.

What is your hobby?

Produce a drawing with you in the centre, surrounded by things you like to do.