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St Peter and St Paul's

St Peter and St Paul Catholic Primary Academy

Acorn Daily Planner - 04.06.20

Thursday 4th June 2020

Good Morning Acorns,

Well hope you have enjoyed learning about rock pools. Thank you for your wonderful rock pool creations on Purple Mash.

In Literacy today we will be thinking a little more about rock pool creatures. Play the video again of the children at the beach, looking at a rock pool. This is the link you will need: Discuss which creatures you like particularly. How might we find out more about these creatures? Were there any sea creatures not in the video that you would like to know more about? Information books can give us lots of interesting facts about the sea-shore. These types of books are different from story books. Discuss this with your grown-up.

We have created a PowerPoint about rock pools to show you different rock pool creatures. See if you can identify each rock pool creature.  There is also another PowerPoint that has some extra facts.  Afterwards, write a list of different rock pool creatures in your home learning book. Try and think of at least 3 different rock pool creatures. Remember to form your letters carefully.

In Maths, we will be counting to 100 again. We want you to recognise the pattern of 10s in the counting chant. Can you count to 100 on your own? You are going to use your fingers and every time you say a 10s number you will hold your hands up and wiggle your fingers. Ask your grown-up to model counting from 1 to 20, releasing a finger with each count and wiggling all ten fingers on 10 and 20. Now you count without your grown-up helping you. Use your fingers to help you. When you get to 10, 20, etc. make sure you wiggle your fingers. See if you can count all the way up to 100. How many 10s did you count? How many 10s in 100? Discuss this with your grown-up. 

Now make a poster showing all the multiples of 10. Please have lots of fun with this task. You may want to write numbers by using different rainbow colours. Another idea might be to write 10, 20, 30, 40 etc in the shape of a snake or caterpillar. If you want to think about our current topic, why not draw some large shells and write the multiples of 10 on each shell. Keep this work where you can see it at home every day, then you can refer to this for future use.

We have a story for you to enjoy at home called At the Beach by Margaret Hillert. You must use your phonics to help read new words. Some words you will recognise by sight. This is the link you will need: What do the children see at the beach? We have been learning about things we might find at the beach. Towards the end of the story, what did they see on the sand? Yes, they saw lots of rubbish. Rubbish can be harmful to animals because they may try to eat it and can become poorly. It can pollute our seas. Talk to your grown-up about the importance of picking up your litter and putting it into a bin. Think about recycling. In your home learning book, draw different items that you recycle at home. For example, if you recycle your cereal boxes, you may draw these. If you want an extra challenge, why not see if you can label your drawings!

We are going to imagine we have our own Acorn Class Beach. After exploring the different rock pools at the beach, you may feel quite tired and need to sit down. Can you design your own deck chair for the beach? Which colours will you use? On Purple Mash, create your own deck chair. We will look forwards to seeing your designs.

We hope you have a lovely day. Please remember to say thank you to your grown-up for helping you at home with your learning.

Mrs Sanford and Miss Williamson