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St Peter and St Paul's

St Peter and St Paul Catholic Primary Academy

Hello again this morning Year 2,

Wasn't it hot yesterday! It looks like it's going to be another very hot day today, so remember to stay safe in the sun, wear sun cream and a hat so that you don't burn and make sure you drink plenty of water. Just like us, plants need water to drink, so make sure you give the baby plants that you planted before half term a water every day too. How big have they grown now? I am growing sunflowers, runner beans and tomato plants at home too so that every time I water them and watch them grow it reminds me of all of you growing your plants at home too! I bet you've all grown taller since I last saw you as well! 

Tuesday 2nd June  2020

Here are your lessons for today...


Follow the link below for todays Maths lesson on BBC Bitesize.

Today we will learn how sharing equally relates to division.

This lesson includes:

-two videos

-three activities


Follow the link below for todays English lesson on BBC Bitesize. be able to identify command sentences and use them in your writing.

This lesson includes:

-a video introducing you command sentences

-three activities to do at home

Please use your Home Learning Book to write your sentences. Can you remember what an imperative verb is?


Read*  ‘The Curse of the black shell’  and answer the questions.

Don’t forget to underline the answers first when you find them hidden in the text.


Grown ups – For next weeks lesson it would be great if you could buy a packet of cress seeds.

For todays lesson, watch the short animation about what plants need to grow.

Use the sheet attached or you can write some sentences in your Home Learning Book to explain what plants need to grow.

Next week, we will be doing an investigation to see whether this is true!

Times tables

Today Clara the Hen will get you up and moving whilst learning about multiplication and division.

If you know your multiplications It’s easy to learn the relating divisions. Practice today with your 2 times table and division facts and write them in your Home Learning Book like this :

1x2=2 so 2÷2=1

2x2=4 so 4÷2=2

3x2=6 so 6÷2=3

and so on. What do you notice?


Well that's all for today Year 2, can you remember everything you've learnt today?

Don't forget to water your plants! Bye