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St Peter and St Paul's

St Peter and St Paul Catholic Primary Academy

Acorn Daily Planner - 29.04.20

Wednesday 29th April 2020 

Good Morning Acorns,

We hope you have enjoyed exploring 3D shapes in your home.  Thank you for your wonderful ball designs!  It is great to see you all working so hard at home.

Listen to the story called Whatever Next? by Jill Murphy again. This is the link you will need:   Listen up to the part where Baby Bear gets into the box to take off. Discuss what Baby Bear takes with him. For example, a teddy, honey, tin of beans. We can write each thing that Baby Bear takes in a list. Discuss what you would like to take with you, then write a list in your home learning book. Remember to use your phonics to help spell new words. Can you hear the initial letter sound in each word? Can you hear the last sound? Can you hear any of the sounds in between? Please form your letters correctly. Refer to the cursive handwriting sheets you have been given previously.

Today we will be continuing to think about shapes. We will be reflecting on 2D shapes and seeing if we can confidently draw shapes. It is also important to be able to describe shapes by using mathematical language. Look at the PowerPoint attached with your grown-up. Alternatively, if you have shapes at home that you can use, these can be used instead. Examine a circle. Can you describe it? For example, a circle is round. It has no straight sides. It has no corners. Its edge is smooth. Now draw a circle in your home learning book. Now look at a square. It has four sides and each side is the same length. It has four corners. Can you draw a square in your home learning book? Repeat this activity with other 2D shapes. Which shape do you think was easiest to draw? Why? Discuss with your grown-up how 2D and 3D shapes are different. 2D shapes are flat and 3D shapes are solid.

Yesterday, it was National Superhero Day. Can you invent your own Superhero? What will be their special power? Can you give your Superhero a name? In your home learning book, design your own Superhero. This can be done in a variety of ways depending on the resources you have at home. You may decide to draw your Superhero with colouring pencils or felt tip pens. If you are feeling creative you might prefer to do a collage. Some people like to paint, you could paint your Superhero and then once your work has dried, you can stick it into your home learning book.

This week we have observed a 1 minute silence to remember the frontline workers who have sadly died due to the Coronavirus.  It would be wonderful to create a picture for the frontline workers to show our appreciation of their hard work. Can you create a splash picture by using different rainbow colours? On Purplelmash, see if you can create your own splash masterpiece! We hope you have fun.

We hope you have a great day. Remember to say a big thank you to your grown-up for helping you at home.

Mrs Sanford and Miss Williamson