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St Peter and St Paul's

St Peter and St Paul Catholic Primary Academy

How did the planting go? Keep a close watch on your little seeds and don't forget to water them. I wonder what a seed needs to grow? Any ideas????

Here's our work for today Tuesday 28 April

9.00 – 9.10


Practise your spelling for this week. Complete your 2nd attempt today.


English – Tadpole’s Promise

Yesterday you found lots of verbs in the story Tadpole’s Promise. Did you write the verb ‘promise’? I’m sure you did. Today I would like you to count how many times tadpole promised caterpillar he would not change. Are you keeping your promise? I hope so!

Now complete the worksheet. You can use the story PowerPoint to help.


PE -  “PE with Joe” The Body Coach

OR Check out the Academy’s new ‘Healthy Living’ page and try one of the 20 minute active lessons


B R E A K               snack and outdoor play              Wash hands



Read from a book from home OR log onto Purple Mash and complete Chapter 2: Missing words which has been set as a 2Do for you!


Maths - Tens and Ones


Write in your book an addition number sentence for each teen number from 10 -20 like this

10 + 0 =10

10 + 1 = 11

Now play the 10 and more and Numbers up to 20 games on Splashlearn


L U N C H         Pray    outdoor play        wash hands after play


Topic Work  - Growing and Planting

Yesterday you planted your seeds. We are going to keep a diary as we watch our seeds grow.  What do plants need to grow?


Download your plant diary.  Write your name on the title page. Fill in the boxes on the 2nd page – What Plants Need. Now complete Week 1. Draw a picture of your bean seed in the jar. Write out the steps you took to plant your bean seed. 


Topic Work RE Pentecost

Yesterday we learned that Jesus ascended into heaven. How do you think the disciples felt? Who did Jesus say He would send to help them?


What sound did they hear? What did they see? Who was it? Which disciple told the people to be sorry for what they had done?

Colour in the picture of Pentecost. Write at the bottom the TWO different symbols of the HOLY SPIRIT that you see.


Phonics Play – letters y z zz qu

Dragons Den Phase 3


Tidy Up Time       

Help your home teacher to clean your work area and remember to work as a team.