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St Peter and St Paul's

St Peter and St Paul Catholic Primary Academy


Maths:To solve addition  and subtraction problems using column .

2.4 + 24 =

56 – 5.6 =

19 + 9.1 =

87 + 0.34 =

56 – 0.26 =

5.7 – 0.57 =

0.04 + 37 =

7 – 0.06 =

280 – 63.2 =

0.23 + 0.062 =

Complete the challenge from the powerpoint.

English:Read the first two chapters of Kensuke's Kingdom : The book is attached below

Think carefully about the pros and cons of this adventure.

Write a convincing letter to Michael why he should not go on the boat trip.


RE: To understand God’s love for his people.

Read Titus 3: 2-8 from the Catholic Bible online. Write a prayer to a special person in your life: that per could be a friend or a family member.

History: Read the information from the powerpoint attached. Then, in your own words explain how the Vikings used Sagas and Runes.

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